"Summertime" is the most popular aria from the opera "Porgy and Bess" by George Gershwin, which premiered on September 30, 1935 at the Colonial Theatre in Boston. As an independent song, "Summertime" exists in an unmanageable number of cover versions. The arrangement created by Thorsten Reinau for the Power Flex series by Musikverlag Reinau allows for many 5-part instrumentation options and we encounter it in a solid, powerful rock version.
The recording ist a MIDI-VERSION!
"Summertime" ist die populärste Arie aus der Oper "Porgy and Bess" von George Gershwin, welche am 30. September 1935 im Colonial Theatre in Boston, uraufgeführt wurde. Als eigenständiges Lied existiert "Summertime" in einer unüberschaubaren Anzahl an Cover-Versionen. Das von Thorsten Reinau geschaffene Arrangement für die Power Flex Serie des Musikverlags Reinau, lässt viele 5-stimmige Besetzungsmöglichkeiten zu und begegnet uns in einer soliden, kraftvollen Rock-Version.
Die Aufnahme ist eine MIDI-VERSION!
1st Part C
1st Part C
1st Part Bb
(Clarinet, Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone)
1st Part Eb
(Alto Saxophone, Eb Clarinet)
2nd Part Bb
(Clarinet, Trumpet, Soprano Saxophone)
2nd Part Eb
(Alto Saxophone)
3rd Part Bb
(Clarinet, Trumpet)
3rd Part Eb
(Alto Saxophone)
3rd Part F
4th Part C
(Trombone, Baritone, Bassoon)
4th Part Bb
(Tenor Saxophone, Trombone T.C., Baritone T.C.)
4th Part F
5th Part C
5th Part C
(Trombone, Baritone)
5th Part C
5th Part Bb
(Bass Clarinet, Trombone T.C., Baritone T.C., Tuba T.C.)
5th Part Eb
(Baritone Saxophone, Tuba T.C.)
Keyboard (Piano)